Tuesday, January 13, 2009

always and forever??

friends are awesome.. i have to say..
;D i love them dearly and sincerely.... they are there through it all thick and thin..

and then one day. they disappear.
my friend.. lets call her "S" decided to not make some very happy choices.. and now i feel like we are drifting apart.. and shes one of the friends i thought id really have for life..
=/ it really sucks because she doesnt realize it.. but i do..
she decided to date this boy.. lets call him "C" and she started partying and drinking and doing pot.. and it scares me.. a LOT!! then she suddenly isnt with "C" anymore.. now shes with "D" and im like "WHO IS THAT?!?!" she doesnt tell me anymore..
and that hurts and scares me too..

i mean.. shes eighteen she can do what she wants.. but it still hurts to see her doing that.. when she needs me now.. she just calls me.. she doesnt come over.. and when she does.. its never to hang out.. its to give my mom something from her mom.. i feel like i lost a sister in some ways.. and that.. more than anything shes doing to herself.. thats what hurts me the most.. that i might be losing her.. for real.

love you all

Friday, January 9, 2009


i went to work.. all i can say is.. wow..
there was SOOOO many people that came in.. we totally got slammed.. it was like we all ran into a brick wall.. intense.

this lady came up decided to be a total ass wipe to me.. i hate when people do that.. i mean.. i was helping her with her food.. i got her drinks.. i got her, her food.. i was checking on them every five minutes and then i gave her, her wings and shes like "their cold.. and we havent been getting very much service." im like "wtf??" seriously? i just spent half my effin LIFE on this lady and shes talking about how crappy of a job im doing.. i was like.. okaaay... whatever.. then she asks me if she can talk to my manager.. hey.. lady? my manager actually likes and respects me as a person?? cant you just get over yourself? so my manager is busier than anyone else so he never gets to them.. so they just freakin LEAVE!! dont even pay.. just effin walk out.. so my manager has to void the ticket and say it was a prank and that the people didnt even eat there.. even though they'd been sitting and eating for like an hour.. soo dumb..
i hate it when people think they are superior.. grrrr....

after that though it slowed down a TON and it was great.. i always have a ton of fun at work.. and everyones like one big family..
we had fun tonight.
travis decided to put cheese and peppers on my windsheild wiper on what he called a "gift" i call that bs.. lol
he just decided that he was going to mess with my car so he through them on my hood and walked.. no DROVE off down the road all the while screaming "BYE JENAE!!! BYE JENAE!! HAVE A GOOD NIGHT!!!"
oh geez.. good times.. lol

so anywayz.. im off to bed.. so if anyone has a comment on this randomness.. please. share.. lol

Thursday, January 8, 2009


soooo.. im extremely tired.. and i should probably go to bed but i just feel like i need to write what i did today.. lol

i went to school... boring as ever.. talked to people.. lots of them.. haha
and i decided that boys are sooooo not worth the effort and time right now..
i mean. i love being single.. whats so bad about that?? right? i mean.. when me and my friends want to hang out its not like i have to ask my b/f if we can do something we planned later so that i can hang out with them.. nope.. i can just do whatever i want.. its wonderful..
and plus.. boys just make life more complicated.. trust me.. ive had my share of tears shed over guys.. but come ON!! what really makes them so fascinating?? i mean.. i know some of them are gorgeous.. and i love to look at them.. but COME ON!! do they really have to be so freakin RUDE sometimes??
its like whenever they dont want us to exist.. we dont.

we just disappear for a day.. and then when they want us again we come back.. its like a merry-go-round.. up and down.. all the rest of our lives..
grrr... i mean. this didnt start as a rant against boys. but it sorta ended up that way..

comments?? anyone. help here. lol
thanks.. love you all!


so this is my first time ever blogging.. i think its going to be amazing..
i would just like to thank chelsea for introducing me to this.. lol
your awesome.

anywhoo.. i just want to say that im new to this whole blogging thing.. and its awesome.. because i love to talk about stuff that happens around or to me..
it amazing how much feeling you can get into words.. and i hope you guys enjoy what i write..
should be interesting.. my thoughts are just one long list of haves, have nots, and want tos.. soo..
lets start!!